AU Deals: Score 16 Free AAA-Level Games Actually Worth Owning, A Seriously Axed God of War, and More!

Thank your own personal deity—possibly Jubileus the Creator—it's Friday. And what an end-of-the week closer I have for you today! FREE is the keyword of the moment for specific reasons I care not to know nor seek to quantify. For PlayStation owners, that means a lovely Mini Turismo for nada. For PC gamers, well... it means a landslide...

In retro news, I'm wondering how the hell a quarter of a century has gone by since I bought Donkey Kong 64 at launch. In '99, I'd already played the backpack off Rare's Banjo-Kazooie and was therefore stoked with DK64's slick, 4MB-enhanced presentation and insane gameplay variety provided by its hot-swappable, rotating cast of Kongs. Couple that with tunes that still have permanent residence in my head and a truly bananas list of things to collect across 30 hours, and this silverback is still very much worth a modern replay.

This Day in Gaming 🎂

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

- Donkey Kong 64 (N64) 1999. eBay

- Zelda: A Link to the Past (GBA) 2002. Get

- Mario Party DS (DS) 2007. Sequels

- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) 2007. Redux

- Gran Turismo 6 (PS3) 2013. Sequel

Table of Contents

Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch

Expiring Recent Deals

Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.

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Purchase Cheap for PC

Expiring Recent Deals

Or just get a Steam Wallet Card

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Exciting Bargains for Xbox

Expiring Recent Deals

Or just invest in an Xbox Card.

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Pure Scores for PlayStation

Expiring Recent Deals

Or purchase a PS Store Card.

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Legit LEGO Deals

Expiring Recent Deals

This holiday season, I'm doing something different with the LEGO section. In Mathew Manor, my sons and I are racing LEGO Advent Calendars—we open our respective ones daily and compare the mini-prizes for "Coolness" and "Actual Xmas-ness". Winner gets extra eggnog.

If you're also feeling festive, here are the cheapest prices for the three calendars we're using. Or just live vicariously through us.

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

via AU Deals: Score 16 Free AAA-Level Games Actually Worth Owning, A Seriously Axed God of War, and More!
by Adam Mathew
